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a bit about me:

Hi my name is Isabelle Ho and I am a student at Singapore Polytechnic currently enrolled under Diploma in Digital Animation with a specialisation in 3D Modelling. I specialise in low poly modelling.


I did a short for Blue Oak Healthcare and I took part in the 2 week Digital Hollywood University programme. I Contributed to artist Hazel Lim’s installation art piece, ”A Botanical and Wildlife Survey – Singapore, 2013” for the Singapore Biennale. One of my low poly works has been featured as Staff Pick on Sketchfab.

I once got a fortune cookie that said, "Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself." I stick to that motto to this day. I have a passion for learning and I seek to push the boundaries of art.


I hope to one day be able to be a multi faceted artist, to have experience in as many mediums of art as possible. I aim to branch out into fashion in the future.


Resume available upon request.

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